Tatuaje Cigars are renowned for their dedication to traditional, Cuban-style craftsmanship, offering a range of complex, full-flavored smokes. Founded by Pete Johnson and crafted at the My Father Cigars factory in Nicaragua under the guidance of the Garcia family, Tatuaje cigars use top-quality Nicaraguan tobaccos and are rolled using classic Cuban techniques. Known for their bold and intricate flavor profiles, Tatuaje cigars often feature a blend of spicy, earthy, and leathery notes, balanced by hints of cedar, coffee, cocoa, and natural sweetness, depending on the specific line. Wrapped in a variety of high-quality wrappers such as Ecuadorian Habano, Connecticut Broadleaf, and Mexican San Andrés, Tatuaje offers cigars that range from medium to full-bodied, appealing to both seasoned aficionados and those seeking an authentic, robust smoking experience. Each cigar is expertly constructed to ensure a smooth draw and even burn, embodying Tatuaje's reputation for quality, tradition, and depth of flavor.