Plasencia Nicaraguan cigars embody the rich heritage and mastery of one of the world’s most respected cigar families. Crafted in Nicaragua with tobaccos grown on the Plasencia family's own farms, these cigars showcase the full depth and complexity of Nicaraguan tobacco. Plasencia's lineup includes renowned cigars like the **Alma Fuerte**, **Alma del Campo**, and **Reserva Original**, each offering a unique experience. The cigars typically feature premium Nicaraguan long-fillers, combined with carefully selected wrappers such as Nicaraguan Habano, Maduro, or organic tobacco.
These cigars deliver a medium to full-bodied profile, with flavor notes that can include earth, cedar, leather, coffee, cocoa, nuts, and subtle spices, often complemented by a natural sweetness. Meticulously constructed, Plasencia Nicaraguan cigars ensure a smooth draw and an even burn, allowing the intricate flavors to evolve throughout the smoke. Perfect for discerning enthusiasts, they reflect the Plasencia family's dedication to quality, sustainability, and the rich traditions of Nicaraguan cigar-making.