< Nicaraguan Hand Rolled Cigars

Perla Del Mar Cigars

Perla del Mar cigars are a tribute to the traditional Cuban style, delivering a smooth and flavorful experience with a touch of elegance. Handcrafted in Nicaragua by J.C. Newman Cigar Company, these cigars feature a carefully blended mix of Nicaraguan long-fillers from the fertile regions of Estelí, Condega, and Pueblo Nuevo. The cigars come in two distinct wrappers: a silky Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade for a creamy, mild to medium-bodied profile, and a rich Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro for those who prefer a medium to full-bodied experience with more depth.

The Connecticut-wrapped Perla del Mar offers notes of cream, cedar, and toasted nuts with a touch of sweetness, while the Maduro version introduces flavors of dark chocolate, coffee, earth, and spice. Known for their box-pressed shape, these cigars provide an even burn and a smooth draw, allowing the nuanced flavors to shine through. Perla del Mar is perfect for both novice and experienced cigar enthusiasts seeking a balanced, refined smoke that captures the essence of premium Nicaraguan tobaccos.