My Father Nicaraguan cigars are a testament to premium craftsmanship, blending tradition with the rich, bold flavors of Nicaraguan tobacco. Created by master blender Don Pepin Garcia and his family at the My Father Cigars factory in Estelí, these cigars showcase the finest tobaccos grown on their family-owned farms. Known for their full-bodied strength and complexity, My Father cigars feature a variety of expertly aged Nicaraguan long-fillers and binders, often wrapped in stunning Habano or Oscuro wrappers.
The flavor profile typically includes a symphony of notes, such as earth, pepper, leather, cocoa, coffee, and a hint of sweetness, with a touch of spice that adds depth and character. Each cigar is meticulously hand-rolled to ensure a smooth draw and an even burn, allowing smokers to fully experience the blend’s intricate layers. With lines like **My Father Le Bijou 1922** and **Flor de Las Antillas**, My Father Nicaraguan cigars offer a luxurious, robust smoking experience that appeals to both seasoned aficionados and those looking to explore the richness of Nicaraguan tobaccos.