< Nicaraguan Hand Rolled Cigars

Flor De Nicaragua Cigars

Flor de Nicaragua cigars are celebrated for their authentic Nicaraguan character, offering a rich and robust smoking experience that highlights the best of the country’s famed tobaccos. Crafted using high-quality Nicaraguan long-fillers and binder, these cigars are wrapped in a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper, which adds a touch of spice and complexity to the blend.

The flavor profile of Flor de Nicaragua cigars is typically medium to full-bodied, delivering notes of earth, black pepper, cedar, and dark chocolate, balanced with an underlying sweetness. With their careful construction, these cigars provide an even burn and a smooth draw, allowing the smoker to savor the evolving flavors from start to finish. Ideal for aficionados who appreciate the depth and intensity of Nicaraguan tobacco, Flor de Nicaragua cigars offer a bold and satisfying experience at a great value.