Casa Magna cigars are renowned for their rich, full-bodied flavors and impeccable craftsmanship, showcasing the best of Nicaraguan tobacco. Created through a collaboration between cigar legends Manuel Quesada and Nestor Plasencia, Casa Magna cigars are handcrafted in Nicaragua using a blend of well-aged Nicaraguan long-fillers and binders, finished with a dark, oily Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. This combination delivers a complex and bold profile with notes of earth, coffee, cedar, pepper, and cocoa, balanced by a natural sweetness and a touch of spice.

The **Casa Magna Colorado** is especially acclaimed, having earned Cigar of the Year honors, thanks to its medium to full-bodied profile and remarkable balance. These cigars are meticulously constructed, ensuring a smooth draw and an even burn, allowing smokers to fully experience the depth and evolution of flavors. Ideal for seasoned aficionados, Casa Magna cigars embody the essence of Nicaraguan craftsmanship, offering a luxurious and rewarding smoke that remains approachable in both flavor and price.