CAO Nicaragua cigars are a tribute to the rich, bold flavors of Nicaraguan tobacco, delivering a smoking experience that highlights the country’s famed cigar-making heritage. Crafted using a blend of premium long-fillers from Nicaragua's three key growing regions—Estelí, Condega, and Jalapa—these cigars offer a medium to full-bodied profile that captures the essence of Nicaraguan tobaccos.
Wrapped in a smooth Honduran Jamastran wrapper, the CAO Nicaragua presents a complex flavor profile with notes of cedar, earth, black pepper, coffee, and a subtle natural sweetness. Its meticulous construction ensures a smooth draw and an even burn, allowing the layered flavors to evolve throughout the smoke. Ideal for those who appreciate the depth and intensity of Nicaraguan cigars, CAO Nicaragua is both bold and balanced, embodying the craftsmanship and passion that define the CAO brand.