< Nicaraguan Hand Rolled Cigars

Buenaventura Cigars

Buenaventura Nicaraguan cigars are a hidden gem, known for their exceptional quality, rich flavors, and accessible price point. Crafted in Nicaragua by Curivari, these cigars feature a blend of carefully aged Nicaraguan long-fillers and binders wrapped in a beautiful Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. The result is a medium to full-bodied profile that provides a balanced, complex smoking experience.

Smokers can expect a flavor palette that includes notes of earth, cedar, cocoa, coffee, and a touch of pepper, complemented by a subtle sweetness that develops as the cigar burns. With its impeccable construction, the Buenaventura ensures a smooth draw and even burn, allowing the flavors to evolve seamlessly throughout the smoke. Perfect for both everyday enjoyment and special occasions, Buenaventura Nicaraguan cigars embody the craftsmanship and robust character that Nicaraguan tobacco is celebrated for, appealing to both novices and seasoned enthusiasts alike.