Brick House cigars are a renowned line known for their rich flavor, excellent construction, and remarkable value. Produced by the J.C. Newman Cigar Company, these cigars pay homage to the company's founder, Julius Caesar Newman, and his family’s tradition of cigar-making. Crafted in Nicaragua, Brick House cigars use a blend of premium Nicaraguan long-fillers, bound by a hearty Nicaraguan binder and finished with a robust Havana Subido wrapper. The result is a medium to full-bodied smoke that delivers a complex flavor profile, with notes of earth, cedar, pepper, nuts, and a touch of natural sweetness. Each cigar is skillfully rolled to ensure a consistent draw and even burn, providing a smooth, satisfying experience from start to finish. Ideal for both seasoned enthusiasts and those exploring quality cigars, Brick House cigars embody the essence of fine Nicaraguan tobacco at an accessible price.