< Joya Cigars

Joya Cigar Selection Box

Joya Selección boxes are a curated collection of Joya de Nicaragua's finest cigars, offering enthusiasts a diverse sampling of the brand's signature blends. Each box features a carefully chosen selection of premium, handcrafted Nicaraguan cigars, showcasing the range of flavors, strengths, and complexities that Joya de Nicaragua is known for. These selections often include favorites like the full-bodied "Antaño," the smooth and balanced "Joya Red," and the bold yet refined "Joya Black." With a variety of wrappers, such as rich Maduros and silky Habano, the Selección boxes provide a well-rounded tasting experience that highlights the rich, earthy, and spicy notes characteristic of Joya's top-quality tobaccos. Perfect for both seasoned cigar enthusiasts looking to explore Joya's lineup or newcomers seeking an introduction to Nicaraguan cigars, the Joya Selección boxes encapsulate the brand’s dedication to excellence and craftsmanship.