Joya Cuatro Cinco Reserva is a luxurious, limited-edition cigar crafted to celebrate Joya de Nicaragua's 45th anniversary, embodying the brand's expertise and Nicaraguan heritage. This medium to full-bodied cigar features a meticulously aged blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos from the fertile regions of Estelí and Jalapa. What sets the Cuatro Cinco Reserva apart is the use of select fillers that have been aged in oak barrels, lending an extra layer of depth and complexity to the flavor profile. Encased in a rich, dark Nicaraguan Criollo wrapper, the cigar offers a symphony of flavors, including notes of dark chocolate, espresso, oak, leather, and a touch of black pepper, balanced by a subtle sweetness. Its impeccable construction ensures a smooth draw and an even burn, delivering a refined and satisfying experience from start to finish. The Joya Cuatro Cinco Reserva is a testament to Joya de Nicaragua's tradition, quality, and passion for creating premium cigars.