< Joya Cigars

Joya Black Cigars

Joya Black is a bold and contemporary cigar from Joya de Nicaragua, designed for enthusiasts who enjoy a rich and modern smoking experience. This medium to full-bodied cigar features a stunning Mexican San Andrés Maduro wrapper, which adds a dark, oily appearance and imparts deep, earthy flavors to the blend. Inside, a mix of premium Nicaraguan long-fillers and binder tobaccos delivers a complex profile characterized by notes of dark chocolate, black coffee, spice, and a touch of natural sweetness. Its meticulous construction ensures a smooth draw and an even burn, allowing the layered flavors to unfold seamlessly from start to finish. Joya Black stands as an extension of the brand's commitment to quality while offering a fresh and intense option, perfect for smokers looking to explore the darker, richer side of Nicaraguan cigars.