Drew Estate Tabak Especial cigars are a delightful fusion of premium tobacco and rich coffee essence, crafted for smokers who enjoy a unique, aromatic experience. These cigars are carefully handmade in Nicaragua, featuring a blend of aged Nicaraguan long-fillers infused with the essence of dark, robust coffee. Wrapped in either a smooth Connecticut Shade (Dulce) or a dark, oily Maduro wrapper (Negra), Tabak Especial cigars offer a medium-bodied smoke with a rich flavor profile. Smokers can savor notes of espresso, cocoa, cream, and a touch of sweetness, perfectly balanced with the natural earthiness of the Nicaraguan tobaccos. With a smooth draw and even burn, these cigars provide a satisfying experience for both coffee lovers and those seeking a flavorful departure from traditional cigars. Tabak Especial stands as a testament to Drew Estate's innovation and expertise in blending infused cigars that are both rich and indulgent.