Drew Estate MUWAT (My Uzi Weighs A Ton) is a bold and flavorful cigar that embodies the brand's dedication to creating unique, full-bodied smoking experiences. Developed in collaboration between Drew Estate and Joya de Nicaragua, MUWAT cigars feature a rich blend of Nicaraguan and Brazilian Mata Fina long-fillers, encased in a Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper and an Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade binder. This blend results in a medium to full-bodied profile, delivering a complex array of flavors, including earth, cocoa, black pepper, coffee, and a subtle sweetness. Known for its impeccable construction, the MUWAT provides a smooth draw and even burn, offering a long, satisfying smoke that evolves with each puff. Available in various sizes, including its signature hefty ring gauges, the MUWAT is perfect for enthusiasts looking for a cigar that packs depth, character, and Drew Estate’s innovative flair.