< Drew Estate Cigars

Drew Estate Kentucky Fire Cured Cigars

Drew Estate Kentucky Fire Cured cigars offer a smoky and rustic flavor profile that sets them apart from traditional cigars. Handcrafted in Nicaragua, these cigars feature a blend of Nicaraguan and American tobaccos that have undergone a special fire-curing process using hickory, maple, and oak woods. This unique curing method imparts a distinct, smoky aroma and flavor reminiscent of a campfire or barbecue pit. Wrapped in a dark, oily Kentucky fire-cured leaf, these medium-bodied cigars deliver complex notes of charred wood, smoked meat, roasted nuts, earth, and a hint of sweetness. With their consistent construction, smooth draw, and even burn, the Kentucky Fire Cured cigars provide a rich, smoky experience unlike any other, appealing to both traditional cigar enthusiasts and those seeking an adventurous, unconventional smoke.