< Drew Estate Cigars

Drew Estate Herrera Esteli Norteno Cigars

Drew Estate Herrera Estelí Norteño is a bold and complex cigar, designed by master blender Willy Herrera to capture the essence of rich Nicaraguan tobacco. Handcrafted in Nicaragua, this full-bodied cigar features a dark, oily Mexican San Andrés Maduro wrapper that lends a deep, earthy sweetness to the blend. Beneath this wrapper lies a Honduran binder and robust Nicaraguan long-fillers from the fertile Estelí and Jalapa regions, creating a rich and layered profile. Smokers can expect notes of dark chocolate, espresso, black pepper, earth, and hints of dried fruit, all balanced by a touch of natural sweetness. With its box-pressed shape, the Norteño offers a smooth draw and even burn, enhancing the complex flavors throughout the smoke. Ideal for experienced enthusiasts seeking a powerful and refined experience, the Herrera Estelí Norteño exemplifies Drew Estate's dedication to blending artistry and top-tier craftsmanship.