Aging Room cigars are renowned for their exceptional quality, complexity, and craftsmanship, embodying the artistry of boutique cigar-making. Created by master blender Rafael Nodal, these cigars feature meticulously selected, aged tobaccos, primarily sourced from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, which contribute to their rich, full-bodied profiles. Aging Room offers a diverse range of blends, from the smooth and creamy "Quattro Connecticut" to the bold and complex "Quattro Nicaragua." Each cigar is handcrafted in small batches to ensure consistency, and the use of aged tobaccos imparts a depth of flavor that evolves throughout the smoke, with notes ranging from cedar, spice, and leather to cocoa and coffee, depending on the blend. The flawless construction of Aging Room cigars provides an even burn and a smooth draw, allowing smokers to fully appreciate their intricate flavor profiles. Ideal for both seasoned aficionados and those seeking a sophisticated smoking experience, Aging Room cigars embody the passion and expertise of fine cigar-making.