< Cuban Hand Rolled Cigars

Trinidad Cuban Hand Rolled Cigars

Trinidad cigars are a prestigious brand in the world of Cuban cigars, known for their exquisite craftsmanship and distinctive flavor profiles. Established in the 1960s, the brand was initially reserved for diplomats and high-ranking officials, which adds to its allure and exclusivity.

Handcrafted in Cuba’s finest factories, Trinidad cigars are made with premium tobacco sourced from the Vuelta Abajo region, renowned for producing some of the best leaves in the world. Each cigar is rolled by expert artisans, ensuring a perfect draw and a consistently rich smoking experience.

The flavor profile of Trinidad cigars is often described as smooth and complex, featuring notes of sweet spice, cedar, and a subtle earthiness. The brand offers a variety of sizes, with popular offerings like the Trinidad Fundadores and Trinidad Vigía showcasing their signature blend.