< Cuban Hand Rolled Cigars

La Flor De Cano Cigars

La Flor de Cano is a historic Cuban cigar brand that was established in the early 20th century. The brand was created by Juan Cano Sainz and his wife Consuela in 1932, who initially rolled cigars on their kitchen table. Over time, their small family business grew, and they registered the brand in Spain, which became their largest export market.

La Flor de Cano cigars are known for their medium strength and are crafted using the “Tripa Corta, Totalmente a Mano” technique, meaning they are short filler and completely handmade. The tobacco used in these cigars comes from the Vuelta Abajo and Semi Vuelta regions, which are renowned for their high-quality tobacco leaves.

The brand offers a limited range of cigars, including the occasional regional edition. One of their notable releases is the La Flor de Cano Elegidos, which features a medium flavor profile and is made with a blend of Vuelta Abajo and Semi Vuelta leaves.

Whether you’re a seasoned cigar aficionado or new to the world of cigars, La Flor de Cano provides a reliable and enjoyable smoking experience that reflects its rich heritage and commitment to quality