Oliva Nub cigars are a unique and innovative offering from the Oliva family, designed to deliver the "sweet spot" of the cigar experience from the very first draw. These short, stout cigars are known for their larger ring gauges and shorter lengths, providing a concentrated burst of flavor and a long, satisfying smoke despite their size. Handcrafted in Nicaragua, Nub cigars use high-quality, aged Nicaraguan filler tobaccos paired with a variety of premium wrappers, including Connecticut, Habano, Cameroon, and Maduro. This variety allows for a range of flavor profiles, from the creamy, mild notes of the Connecticut to the rich, full-bodied spiciness of the Habano. Each Nub is expertly constructed to ensure a smooth draw, even burn, and a dense, flavorful smoke throughout. Ideal for smokers looking for a quick yet fulfilling smoking experience, Oliva Nub cigars are a testament to the brand’s innovation and commitment to quality.