E.P. Carrillo is a premium cigar brand renowned for its dedication to craftsmanship, quality, and innovation in the cigar industry. Founded by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, a master blender with a rich family legacy in cigar making, E.P. Carrillo offers a diverse range of blends that cater to both traditional and contemporary cigar enthusiasts. Known for their exceptional construction, complex flavor profiles, and use of high-quality tobacco, E.P. Carrillo cigars often feature expertly blended Nicaraguan, Dominican, and other fine tobaccos, resulting in a rich, balanced smoke. The brand has received numerous accolades, including several "Cigar of the Year" awards, highlighting its commitment to excellence. Each cigar, whether from their core lines or limited editions, reflects the brand's philosophy of passion, artistry, and the pursuit of creating memorable smoking experiences.